Startup Community 2.0
Gone is the era of gatekeepers and paywalls. We have unleashed the missing 90% of co-founders and we are taking over.

We are the bridge between the dreaming and the doing.
Between lifestyle incompatibility, corporate capture of resource-rich communities, and lack of wealth at the starting gate, its no wonder the formation and fruition of startups is an endangered enterprise.
We have found the formula to grow a new friction-less startup community and are killing it wherever we go. Stop wandering the desert, and join the Oasis.

Given the right conditions, the magic just happens.
Our events are free to participate all the way through and are held during an accessible day and time, like evenings or weekends. They are also at venues central to the city, where the most people possible can attend. Completely at odds with the startup community, these are the necessary initial conditions for anyone that was ever told to go to college and has debt and/or bills to pay.
So, pretty much the vast majority of humans.

The Pitchathon portion is only 3 minutes per business and no Q&A. The structure is comprised of the problem, the solution (or vision), some general context, and what you need as a business in terms of people. If you need devs and a specific language is required, that is also included.
The Pitchathon does not cost money and is not super-formal.
After the pitches, we become market makers, and match the people interested in joining or helping the startup with the founder that pitched it.
Then, we usher them into a room, where they become a team and even start making progress on the startup that very night! Bring a computer if you can, because you can really get things done here.

After the event, we help market both the event and those that pitched. We are also working to add more to our startup ecosystem, from a digital platform to more chapters, and even co-living spaces.
Furthermore, we are currently looking to add advisors that can help guide, and if interested, even invest in these startups. The Shark Tank model is untenable, as the new investment paradigm is centered more on community and ongoing relationship.

All the talent that was previously held back, now connected.
The "We'll be here if you can make it" standard just doesn't cut it anymore. All the relevant ideas and capable players are at the Oasis, and they are forging their path from us.
With this innovation community, we can get you involved in where its all happening.
Our partners that have been with us early on, and in some cases from the very beginning, are very valuable to us.
Just like we stay true to our vision, we stay true to our roots. As bold and ambitious as we are, we don't forget who lifted us up. We don't forget where we came from.